FDA Ingredient
Whats Inside
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Features like Live-monitoring allows you to save a list of products that HawkScanner will constantly check against the FDA’s compliance databse. You will be alerted if a product is flagged or there are any changes since the last time you checked.
Search History
Reanalyze previous searches without having to remember and type in long, cumbersome chemical names.
Product Snapshots
Save groups of ingredients or recent searches as “snapshots” for frequent searching, categorizing, or live monitoring.
Live Monitoring
We’ll continously ping updates on your saved snapshots and you’ll receive a scheduled notification with your search results.
Simple and Secure.
Our simple click-and-search interface allows for quick and easy product compliance checking, without the need for any additional training. Our color-cordinated product specifications allow for easy read search results.
- Realtime Results
- Click and Search
- Secure Connection
FDA-Supported Database
Our database is a direct implementation of the FDA’s ingredient database. Learn more about how we work with the FDA to keep our database up-to-date by visiting our FAQ.
- Database updated weekly
- Supported by the FDA
- Live-monitor your saved searches
Simple & Affordable Pricing.
Our plans are designed to meet the requirements of both small companies and large corporations. Select the right plan that suits you.
5 searches per monthFree
- Upgrade anytime
Unlimited Searches$99 /mo
- + Bookmark Search Terms
Unlimited Searches$199 /mo
- + Bookmarks and Live-Monitoring
Happy Customers
Our Blog
FDA Targets Supplements Claiming to Cure Diabetes
After discovering various products with false marketing claims, the FDA targets supplements claiming to cure Diabetes. Ten companies were warned that certain marketing examples crossed the line when they asserted the ability to diagnose, cure, treat, mitigate or...
Be Aware of Dietary Supplement Knockoffs
Be aware of dietary supplement knockoffs. A “knockoff” is defined as a cheaper copy of an expensive and/or popular product in other words, a fake or counterfeit. Buyers, looking for a good deal, can’t believe their luck finding what they want at a price that’s almost...
The Dos and Don’ts of Supplement Labeling
Earlier this year, the FDA announced it had recently sent warning letters to 10 companies for illegally selling dietary supplements because of unapproved claims. This is a brief overview of the Dos and Don'ts of supplement labeling. Dietary supplements are commonplace...