Be Aware of Dietary Supplement Knockoffs

Be Aware of Dietary Supplement Knockoffs

Be aware of dietary supplement knockoffs. A “knockoff” is defined as a cheaper copy of an expensive and/or popular product in other words, a fake or counterfeit. Buyers, looking for a good deal, can’t believe their luck finding what they want at a price that’s almost...
FDA Seizes $1.3M Worth of Kratom

FDA Seizes $1.3M Worth of Kratom

The FDA seizes $1.3M worth of Kratom included in dietary supplements alongside bulk dietary ingredients also containing Kratom. The Food and Drugs Administration’s announcement that U.S. Marshals seized dietary supplements containing kratom ignited a war of...
Sketchy Ingredients in Dietary Supplements

Sketchy Ingredients in Dietary Supplements

When it comes to cutting-edge ingredients, sports nutrition has a history of having questionable and sketchy ingredients in dietary supplements. Prohormones, 1,3-dimethyamylamine (DMAA) and selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are infamous examples of...