What is FDA’s Stance on CBD in Cosmetics?

What is FDA’s Stance on CBD in Cosmetics?

If you search Sephora’s online catalogue for CBD and you’ll be directed to a selection of approximately 32 skincare products, 14 bath and body items, four fragrances, and two haircare SKUs. That’s quite a selection, and the international beauty emporium wouldn’t have...
Musclegen Guilty for SARMs Distribution

Musclegen Guilty for SARMs Distribution

The owner of a North Carolina-based sports supplement company Musclegen pleaded guilty to selling unapproved drugs and agreed to forfeit the money earned from the illegal business. Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are drugs under development for...
Tips on Ensuring Your Product Is FDA Compliant

Tips on Ensuring Your Product Is FDA Compliant

When selling food, cosmetics, drugs, and medical devices, you think beyond the figures of your sales and the performance of your product in the market. You must also keep up with the various rules and regulations established by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...
FDA Targets Cesium Chloride Supplements

FDA Targets Cesium Chloride Supplements

According to FDA, cesium chloride is a new dietary ingredient subject to a premarket notification to the agency to establish its safety in dietary supplements. The Food and Drug Administration published five warning letters to marketers of dietary supplements...