More Sex Enhancement Supplements Recalled by FDA

More Sex Enhancement Supplements Recalled by FDA

More sex enhancement supplements are recalled by the FDA because of unlisted ingredients. At the beginning of the month the U.S. Food and Drug Administration sent an alert that New Jersey’s QMART recalled all lots of its Imperial Gold 2000, PremierZEN Extreme 3000,...
FDA Republishes Import Alert for Kratom

FDA Republishes Import Alert for Kratom

This week the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) republishes an import alert for Kratom, providing guidance to its field personnel to detain dietary supplements and bulk dietary ingredients at U.S. borders. Also known as Mitragyna speciosa, kratom is a...
Is Your Dietary Supplement Safe?

Is Your Dietary Supplement Safe?

Is your dietary supplement safe? From weight loss pills to protein powder, dietary supplement consumption is on the rise. But some dietary supplements boast unsubstantiated claims and may be contaminated with pesticides or toxic heavy metals. The U.S. Food and Drug...
FDA Finalizes on Controlled Correspondence

FDA Finalizes on Controlled Correspondence

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finalized its guidance to generic drug manufacturers on how to seek drug development information through the controlled correspondence process. The guidance incorporates changes that were part of the reauthorization of the...
The Quality of Protein is a Must Know

The Quality of Protein is a Must Know

To best follow regulations, foods and dietary supplements promoting protein content must document the quality of their protein sources. Comprised of various individual amino acids that define the precious molecule that enables life, proteins vary greatly in what they...